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Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

vorius kind of couch

Sofa is furniture that is very important in your every room , in addition to its function , the current couch is one of the important items in matching the design of your space . The selection of the right couch will create comfort in every room of your couch otherwise improper selection will bring up a gap in the interior design of your room . Before you choose a sofa what should be put in your room , it would not hurt you to first identify the types of sofa.Sofa is very important furniture in every room of you , in addition to its function , the current couch is one of the important items in matching designs your space . The selection of the right couch will create comfort in every room of your couch otherwise improper selection will bring up a gap in the interior design of your room . Before you choose a sofa what should be put in your room , it would not hurt you to first identify the type of sofa.

Sofas Traditional
 The characteristics of a traditional sofa that has a light-colored coatings or strong firm with a frame made of wood and foam harder . This type of sofa may well be used in a formal living room shades , also often placed in a classic style design . There are various types of traditional sofas . The three of them are couch Cabriole , The Lawson , and The Chesterfield . The Cabriole has a characteristic shape of the sofa frame and the winding is made of one piece of wood . The type of sofa like Lawson sofa is characterized by a lower grip than the back. Meanwhile, The Chesterfield sofa has a tufted backrest and seat is narrower than the other types of sofas .

Sofa Modern or Contemporary
 Strong characteristics possessed modern or contemporary sofa is a sofa that this model is designed with emphasis on function and comfort compared to its design . Therefore , the periphery tend sofa soft so this sofa is ideal for use in the family room or living room with a relaxed feel . Unlike many traditional sofa using a framework of wood , on a couch this model uses very little wood or even none at all . In addition , the handle is made parallel to the seat sofa couch . One example is a model of modern couch sofa Tuxedo .

Sofa Model Country
 Sofa country models , including French country , has the appearance that looks shabby but still interesting and very thick with a rustic feel . Sofa models tend to have a casual design that fits placed in the room of the type relaxed and not too formal.Sofa country usually covered by cotton or cloth that can be washed . Thus , this model is perfect sofa placed in the living room . You do not have to worry if at any time your child is a mess because of this sofa can be easily washed . One example of a model that has a design sofa sofa the country is English .

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

minimalist dining table concept

minimalist house concept is indeed something that is sought after today era because of its simple, unique , modern , and more efficient place when compared to the big house , but not functional . In terms of size , price , and benefits , minimalist home is superior . More focus on the quality of the decor and furniture were used . A lot of empty walls with little ornamentation , decoration elements more closely because of concerns over the benefits . It also adds comfortable for the occupants of the house itself . By choosing a minimalist home concept of course we also need to make a dining table minimalist concept anyway . Why is that ? Because when we eat minimalist concept able to grow excessive appetite .

Sometimes the dinner table does not seem important , but if we look at it this is where we can be making love with family and exchange ideas . minimalist dining table How minimalist dining table decorations are simple but give the impression of luxury ? Here are some ways that you can do to design your dining room . Leave blend the color of your carpet matching the color of the walls , put a few bunches of flowers on the table to give a fresh impression . Add to this artistic touch using decorative lights in the sky - the sky above your dining table minimalist . With increasingly felt so luxurious impression . Minimalist dining table not only can you use indoors as indoor furniture but also can be used as outdoor furniture in your backyard . That was a little bit about the concept of minimalist dining table , pour you more creative ideas to produce a more attractive design.

pick out an office table furniture

Office furniture is an important accessory for office space , and one of the most important of which is the table of office to Choosing The Right Office Desk needed the right information you can get through brochures or online catalogs provided by the Distributor and Supplier Office Tables Online . Office is considered complete when equipped with the appropriate accessories needed to work well in office.Office table can be said is the most important requirement for an office in the office furniture lain.you can not choose an office desk only on the basis of their attractive designs , but you also have to focus on materials and materials for the table .

Office Desks consists generally of wood, metal , glass and laminate furniture that can facilitate.for best working environment are encouraged to choose an office desk that is easy to maintain and they must be durable enough to be used in the time period is not Firm lama.Furniture small that you can change in the time.you should really consider each and every aspect for Choosing the Right Office Tables for you . Office desks can be divided into several categories ranging from computer desks , reception desks , conference tables and desks that have shaped U.computer-related work they have to use a computer desk that has a proper space to keep all of the computer components such as keyboards , CPU , PS , and a lot again.table intended for front office reception decoration.U -shaped table is a table that provides the type of users to complete various tasks without having to leave the table .

 By reading this article , hopefully you can make the best choice in Choosing The Right Office Desk for you

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Kinds of creative furniture made of books

Now, not only finished reading the book you know guys. thanks to the creative ideas of designers, the book transformed into home furnishings. There are 'normal' - like chairs and beds - until the 'too creative' home-like furniture etc..

Some methods to choose a kitchen set

Here we provide some tips on choosing the right kitchen set , good design , the material , the author : Choose wisely the right furniture manufacturers . You can see from the showroom and workshop , manufacturer or reference portfolio of family , friends , etc. (better try to direct you to visit the showroom and workshop ) . Good manufacturer will give a detailed explanation about the products offered , ranging in price , materials , design , warranty etc. . For all furniture , particularly kitchen set should not be affected at very cheap prices because it would impact on the quality of the materials used . Ask for an explanation with details about ingredients kitchen sets , as having to wear teak or multiplex ( semi or how many mm thick meranti ) , equipment such as door hinges ( regular or hydraulic ) , drawer rails ( regular or hydraulic ) , the arrangement lamps , accessories ( dish rack , cutlery place , wastebaskets , etc. ) , choice of marble or granite ( color and origin countries such as China , Italy , India , Brazik ) . For equipment and accessories normally depends on the brand and quality of the sample : modelline , vitco , Huben , elco , fiftech , Blum , Hettich .

 Do not impose a design that you feel good but it is not necessarily appropriate to the condition of your kitchen . Calculate the area of ​​the kitchen , especially those that will be set kitchen set , a stove and tub, sink placement , other equipment ( refrigerator , microwave , etc. ) , the circulation area for cooking activities circulation space . Select the proper finishing , melamine ( usually for teak wood or multiplex can also wear layers but with teakwood or megasungkai or Megatek ) , HPL based brands such as Haveel , tacos , Artform , Decopal , Himmel etc. . each brand or by type ( each type of price difference ) and Duco select duco workmanship with the right process ( the process of working together with car painting ) 

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Safety furniture for kids

Furniture is a complement to the interior design that are useful to enhance the appearance of a house . Although beneficial to beautify the interior of the home , the choice of furniture materials should also receive attention , especially if they have small children or toddlers in the house . Choosing materials or furniture that are less closely models could potentially pose a risk that harm children , especially toddlers . What are the tricks and tips on choosing furniture that is safe for children ?

Tricks and tips 

 Here are some tips and tips on choosing furniture that is safe for children , as compiled from various sources ,namely : Tip . Note the tip of the furniture to be installed in the home or in a child's room . Try to choose furniture that does not have sharp edges , but choose the type of furniture that has a slightly rounded tip . However, if no end furniture available on the market are rather round , could be considered to put an end protectors on furniture .
  • Metal . At present , a lot of material of furniture that can be selected . Try to choose furniture materials that are not made ​​of metal . In addition to avoiding a collision is far more dangerous and painful , furniture made of metal also has the potential to conduct electricity if the furniture in question is equipped with accessories that are connected with electricity .

  • Glass . Note also the placement and size of the glass used as a complement furniture . Glass is commonly used as supplementary material and sometimes some furniture furniture placement put the glass on the bottom with a relatively large size . If have young children who are still learning to walk , glass bottom placement of furniture could potentially endanger the safety of young children as the risk of rupture or crack . 
  • Size . Note the size of the height of the furniture . You should select furniture that is not too short to avoid the possibility of climbing , especially if the furniture glazed on its surface . It is no secret that sometimes toddlers still happy climb to train and develop their motor skills.
So a few tips and tips on choosing furniture that is safe for children who could be considered a parent when they wanted to choose the interior equipment . May be useful .

Various tips to take good care of wooden furniture

Wood furniture also need treatment to make it look new, buy new furniture when you consider the maintenance instructions and follow the way of treatment is usually direct people to polish the furniture polish, but the best way is to clean the furniture in advance of the new grime polished with polish that dirt and dust on the furniture does not become tough crust in the clear, you want to know the tips? consider the following tips: Treatment of wood furniture:
  •  Remove dust with a soft cloth every week in the wet. This is to discourage the appearance of  scratches.  
  •  Clean and polish every month.  
  • Always use protection from hot or cold beverages.
  • Avoid the heat of the sun from damaging the color and finish. 
  • Do not move any furniture above the timber so as not to be scratched. 
  •  Prevent plant touches the surface of furniture because the humidity is dangerous to your tooling. 
  • Use the pedestal that was scratched.

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

modern minimalist gazebo

Here are variety of gazebo designs for your minimalist home garden, gazebo placement in your dream home park will give the impression of a modern and relaxed impression. You can put a minimalist garden gazebo in your home. The function of the gazebo in the yard can be used as a living room or family can also receive guests for the immediate family. Design gazebo for the garden there are a variety of models. Gazebo is unique to beautify your home design minimalist garden. If you want to bring a gazebo, the following we present some examples of the images that appear beautiful gazebo ....

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

unique wooden chair and table

Tables and chairs are made of good quality wood and with artistic design that desk chair is very suitable to be placed in your living room or area in your home. because this table is simple and unique design that allows you to place it in your living room so that your living room neat but luxurious impressed. Arranging the living room at home with varying sizes is a challenge. In addition to be eligible to receive guests, guest rooms must be set for comfortable and memorable are not full. For convenience, in part negate the living room at home, living room function is often combined with other space. sample, guests are welcome to enter the chamber directly familiar family. Meanwhile, other guests quite welcome on the patio home. 

However, for some have, so this part of the living room remains important because the living room reflects the character of the owner home.For homeowners that is wide enough home office, would not be a problem to arrange the living room of his house. However, for homes with narrow or small size of course in addition to be eligible to receive the guest, this space must be arranged in such a way so as not to spend too much room. Most importantly, laying did not interfere with the flow of circulation from the entrance to other rooms. below are examples of table unique wooden chair, possibly, could be a reference the contents of your home..

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

interesting wardrobe

Wardrobe furniture is furniture that is mandatory in the house . Clothes closet is a place to store clothes , both of which have folded or clothing that will be hung with the hanger . These cabinets are usually placed inside the house . Currently closet design various types ranging from shapes , models , sizes , colors and functions . In this article we will discuss about the model of the modern minimalist wardrobe . The design was the tiny clothes more popular.simple design and simple , the model is still functional closet and give the impression of elegance to the bedroom . The characteristics of the shape is minimalist wardrobe design flats towering up to the ceiling . This cabinet models panels that line into the wall of the house.

Material from diverse wardrobe , such as wood , glass , plastic , aluminum and others. Basically this trend minimalist wardrobe closet leads to large models that are attached to the walls of the room room . The model is very suitable cabinets combined with the design minimalist bed . The wardrobe has a wide variety of doors . There is a door models with standard openings , sliding doors and other . Design and cabinet models can be adjusted to taste homeowners and also matched to the size of a bedroom room . Here we show some inspiration minimalist wardrobe that could be a reference to create interesting designs wardrobe .
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