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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Safety furniture for kids

Furniture is a complement to the interior design that are useful to enhance the appearance of a house . Although beneficial to beautify the interior of the home , the choice of furniture materials should also receive attention , especially if they have small children or toddlers in the house . Choosing materials or furniture that are less closely models could potentially pose a risk that harm children , especially toddlers . What are the tricks and tips on choosing furniture that is safe for children ?

Tricks and tips 

 Here are some tips and tips on choosing furniture that is safe for children , as compiled from various sources ,namely : Tip . Note the tip of the furniture to be installed in the home or in a child's room . Try to choose furniture that does not have sharp edges , but choose the type of furniture that has a slightly rounded tip . However, if no end furniture available on the market are rather round , could be considered to put an end protectors on furniture .
  • Metal . At present , a lot of material of furniture that can be selected . Try to choose furniture materials that are not made ​​of metal . In addition to avoiding a collision is far more dangerous and painful , furniture made of metal also has the potential to conduct electricity if the furniture in question is equipped with accessories that are connected with electricity .

  • Glass . Note also the placement and size of the glass used as a complement furniture . Glass is commonly used as supplementary material and sometimes some furniture furniture placement put the glass on the bottom with a relatively large size . If have young children who are still learning to walk , glass bottom placement of furniture could potentially endanger the safety of young children as the risk of rupture or crack . 
  • Size . Note the size of the height of the furniture . You should select furniture that is not too short to avoid the possibility of climbing , especially if the furniture glazed on its surface . It is no secret that sometimes toddlers still happy climb to train and develop their motor skills.
So a few tips and tips on choosing furniture that is safe for children who could be considered a parent when they wanted to choose the interior equipment . May be useful .

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