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Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Minimalist bathroom design

Minimalist bathroom for a minimalist small house is the right choice for today's urban society , the high price of land in the city is the main problem , while the homeowner still want all the activities can be done in the house despite the limited land . Minimalist small house design is now much in demand , despite the minimalist label does not mean lack of function. One part of the minimalist house that should get attention is the bathroom . Minimalist bathroom design is simple and practically strategies that are suitable for minimalist small house design. Here are some tips to organize and streamline the design and function of the minimalist bathroom . Separate Wet and Dry Areas. The spacious bathrooms can provide a space for residents to obtain freedom for their activities in the bathroom . One way is to provide a boundary between the wet and dry in the bathroom , the transparent glass divider can be made in the alternative. 

Combines Nature and Technology. The bathroom with the concept of a device inspired by the organic forms of water , while the wooden parquet floor can be used as an alternative to provide a sense of comfort when you are in the bathroom .Structuring and placement of all devices in the bathroom is not in contact with each other , making it easier when the activity runs . For example the position of the sink , toilet , closet shelves also contain toiletries or towels. Bathroom angle concept looks of the concept of space that is simple and compact , easy in and easy cleaning when it reaches the corner angle. The laying of the corner of the bathroom sink can be an alternative with a blend of natural colors such as beige and gray rocks could be a suitable choice of colors . Selection of the door opening direction parallel to the shower also appropriate for those who would like cleanliness of the bathroom .

kinds of unique wooden furniture

Home decoration of furniture is never bored look, even become an idol interior design or home exterior. Indeed there is no value of its own beauty if the furniture home made brown wood color is a very important element and is used in construction, interior design her special furniture. Being immortal materials, real wood is the basic ingredient for many home interior design. Wooden furniture bring charm and a warm, cozy look to any interior design. That's why today we have set up a beautiful wooden furniture designs, great inspiration if you are thinking about redecorating the house Anda.salah negare unique exporter of wooden furniture is indonesia.hari I prepared some special kinds of wooden furniture for your home inspiration .. Some pictures that can inspire you to choose a wood furniture for your home unique impression.

Girls Room Design

Daughters room has a different theme or performance from the interior design of a boys room. Usually the girls rooms are often decorated with various colors that seem to be alive, or even girls often make her own room-design with a particular theme, such as Barbie or Hello Kitty theme. Girls bedroom is not only a place to sleep or just to take a rest, but the daughter's room often turns into a multifunction room, such as a gathering place with their friends. Thus, girls room should actually be alive and more interesting in terms of design. Themes to be one thing that should be taken into account in making the girls room, girls like to have funny stuff for their bedroom interior, like Flower themed rooms, the Royal daughter, or funny cartoons theme. You can ask them directly on the room design theme of what they like, so you may easily set one.

Next, note the color of the room. Girl's room usually live with a combination of various colors, usually girls like the colors that seem cheerful colors like pink, red, yellow, orange, sea blue. Combine colors so well that the room seem quite alive. For the girls room wall decorations usually like full on the wall. So for this decoration you can choose a specific wallpaper as your inspiration to apply to the girls bedroom walls, use a beautiful wallpaper and funny, placement and use of posters and pretty pictures are also a good idea in designing girls bedroom.

Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Leather sofa for the family room

One of the models of furniture for the family room is the favorite to become the model by adding a sofa chair made ​​of leather . In the past , the leather sofa synonymous with luxury , so we can find a sofa in luxury homes and magnificent type . But nowadays , leather sofas more easily obtained because many are sold at low prices . Currently , you can choose different types of models of sofa chairs made ​​of leather for the interior of your living room . Here are some types of modern sofa for the living room or family room .... When we choose a sofa for the living room furniture , we have to learn about the types of materials used in producing these chairs . 

There is one type of leather is very nice but has a quality that is highly qualified . This is the kind of skin that brushed , thus creating a soft texture . Find out about the secrets of how to make elegant luxurious sofa design for living inspiration .... you can combine colors to suit the interior design model to add to the beauty of your home . You can find the type of pigmented skin are made to lock in skin color . When you find difficulty the dust , you can use the secret tips sofa chair caring of dust . Different skins have different characters and applies to several types of sofa chairs , so be sure to choose the right skin for living room furniture

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Miscellaneous wood sculpture

Wood sculpture is one of the cultural work that has a three- dimensional form . Plasticart sculpture or art also called plastic , malleable at will . In ancient wooden sculpture is made for religious purposes , the Hindu and Buddhist era and serves to honor the gods or men are made in the example.In further developments in sculpture for the monument or memorial for a major event in a nation , group or individual . As the development of today's modern times , often created sculpture ornament creators to more free and varied and sculpture were created to be enjoyed die shape aesthetic value .

Craft wooden sculptures are not only made ​​with nice wood or wood that is great , but can also be made from leftover materials furniture production . Hands of the craftsmen from across the country , the rest of the statue was made of material of furniture with a small or miniature size . Sculpture materials not only from teak wood , but can also be made ​​from mahogany or other wood or even could also be made of wood that are old enough . craft shape wood sculpture is created with miniature designs of animals , from dogs , horses , elephants are also able to be made . 
Besides the craftsmen also treat waste wood to be made in a wide range of home appliances decoration . Among craft vase and flower pots in coherent with carvings typical of each country . therefore we intend to introduce creative crafts people across world that needs to be appreciated and preserved .

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

designing a unique baby crib

Many preparations to be made by parents when expecting the birth of the baby . One is the preparation crib .The selection of cribs have a very important role for the health of the baby , because most of the time the baby's growth occurs when the baby is sleeping.Therefore,the necessary preparation in choosing a crib, so the baby can sleep comfortably .

In addition , when the baby is asleep comfortably , it can also provide plenty of time for parents . In the selection of baby bedding , in addition to the convenience factor , the safety factor should also be considered baby . Many cases of infant suffered injuries from falling out of bed , poisoned by bed materials and a variety of other cases that could pose a danger to infants associated with this crib . In addition it should be noted also on whether the baby is going to sleep with you until the independent ?Or placed in the bed since birth ? Placed in a special room?Than that should be noted about the relationship with other family members (if any) with his brother and other factors that you need to consider .

Here are some tips that you can do in the selection of the crib, so the baby can have a bed that is comfortable but also safe .

Choose cots where there is no door pull or not there is the side that can be opened . It 'll keep the baby so that later can not open by itself .
Choose from steel cots instead of iron . Iron is feared to have rust , iron rust and course materials harmful to infants salvation .
Choose cots with appropriate size with the age of the baby .Do not be too broad , as this will take indoor rooms and also not too tight as this can create stress the baby .

Keep the bed has a storage area to facilitate parents in taking baby supplies, such as extra blankets , baby diapers , etc. .This is related to your efficiency as a parent .

Use cotton blanket , not too thin but not too thick anyway , it is for the baby to sleep comfortably.Both in terms of cotton baby sweat absorption . Babies prefers one -way movement . So if you can , choose a crib that can be swung , so that the baby can sleep comfortably . 

 Make sure the bolts that connect the cot firmly attached , and check it periodically . This cots avoid off by itself due to the activity of the baby .

Luxury minimalist door design.

Main door design minimalist home beautiful and attractive can affect the beauty of your home. You can look for inspiration or a good idea for the design of the main door of your house. Nowadays many door models are already on the market. Model changes also change from time to time, of course, also has a very diverse colors.

You must be careful in choosing the design of minimalist door design minimalist home your door. If the door does not fit the model with the model of your house, then your house will not attract minimalist as you imagine. Apart from the model of the door, you also have to consider the quality of the material your house door. Well, how do I determine the main door of the house minimalist design good? I will give you some inspiring images that can be used to select the main door design to suit your minimalist models...

Excess shortage of wood flooring

The floor can make a big change in the atmosphere of the place you live . That 's why for most of the wood flooring is still a favorite . The impression he left behind aesthetics and warmth can not be replaced by other flooring materials . The type and very diverse motives allow wood flooring is used in a variety of design styles from classic to modern contemporary. The technology is already more modern manufacturing to facilitate the installation and maintenance.

Solid wood is rarely used in Indonesia because it is very susceptible to humidity and weather changes . The shape of the piece of wood like a sheet of board with a certain size . The most widely circulated in the market are teak . The advantages of this type of wood flooring is its originality and beauty . Warm and natural impression . If you've looked dull so it can be re finis like new again . Wood quality and resistance of the drying process of the wood .

Many ancient house solid wood floors that still look very good . The drawback of course, derived from the characteristics of the wood itself . Expansion, shrinkage of wood against moisture and temperature changes cause the wood floor size is very limited . The width should not be more than 15 cm and a thickness of no more than 2 cm . For long they can vary . Also requires professional installation and finishing since most are sold unfinished solid wood flooring . Solid wood flooring is also prone to scratches , fire and cracks . There should also be a silencer to not noisy . And the main enemy is water . Floors dry quickly if exposed to water or other liquids.

Unique and creative bookshelves.

Bookcase is one that is owned furniture in a modern home .In addition to essentially function as a repository of books , bookshelves at once also serves as home decor .Minimalist house , for example,will match if in it there with a minimalist design bookcase anyway .Well , if you are bored with the existing design bookshelves , boxes and mediocre , bookshelf pictures are super cool minimalist and creative following might be your inspiration .... 

The design is unique and creative bookshelves that can inspire you in determining your idea in compiling a book on the shelf with a unique look and appeal to anyone who saw the picture of this bookshelf design will surely be amazed because the design really cool .This bookcase designed by people who are experts or designers and also by ordinary people who have an idea to build a bookcase for storing books . The book is excellent reading material means because there are a lot of science course in accordance with what your field either school books , novels , or other important reading books .

Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

Unique design office desk

People who like to work at home should think about office desk design ideas that they use in order to give a good comfort and inspiration while working .An office will function properly when you can put a nice table and appropriate .There is a wide selection of table furniture that is sold in some stores .You can choose the best one based on the size of the office that is located in your home.

Office desk models are usually equipped with several drawers that you can have as an extra storage area . If you want a model of office desk is durable and has a nice design , you can choose the material that made ​​of teak wood . It can last longer because of the quality of teak wood used really good quality . Running your business in the house would be more fun to do . You will feel comfortable when implementing design ideas office desk well . It would be more harmonious if you can buy a table and chairs in a set . Thus , the design for the two pieces of furniture will be similar ...

Nursery Design Tips

The birth of a baby in the family is always a special and important moments . So, how to put the baby in the house ? It turns out that the science of (feng shui) also has special rules . Newborns would still weak and not able to adjust to the new environment quickly . By doing the appropriate arrangement of the room , the better the flow of energy can help babies sleep safely and growing physical and mental in nature . 

 To maximize the baby's bedroom , eight note the following:

To put the position of the baby in the bed room , very important to note the direction of the head : there must be a strong wall to lean . Do not let the bed position for the baby's head leaning against the window . The cots are not properly aligned with the entrance . Do not lean on the headboard wall shower / WC or wall pipelines owned electrical and mechanical ( water pipes , sewage pipes , sewage pipes ) . Colors Wall Before birth , babies only see dark and light colors in the womb , and when new born babies should be given the soft colors ( soft ) . According to the scheme of nature , light green color and blue is the color for growth ( color wood ) . In contrast , the color is more suitable in the calculation of advanced Feng Shui Ba Zi need to pay attention to the child.

corner of the room 
Elements that can make sharp corners , are threatening and destructive Chi indoors . This sharp corners can come off the wall and furniture ( cabinets , tables ) . Note that as far as possible towards the pointy not ' stab ' cots .

Shapes, Symbols , and Images. 
Laying out the pictures and symbols must be in harmony with the nature and character of the baby . Pictures of animals such as tigers and lions is not good for the baby . Similarly thistles , painting ravine , and the like , should be kept away from the baby .

Purify the room 
The rooms were recently used by adults , or were never used , still the rooms were " dirty " . Because it needs to be done " cleansing " or " purification " first. This aim is for the room to be pure (purified ) and ready for occupancy ... The trick , empty room first and then a broom and mop the floor . Allow to dry for 2-3 days the room by opening doors and windows . Before the furniture included , bowl ring made ​​of copper in the room , so it can get out all the negative energy . Then the room ready for the baby .

The bowl is made of brass or copper for the purposes of ' space clearing ' . The voice that came out of the bowl will blow echoed through the room , because it is a tool called ' singing bowl ' ( singing bowls ) .

Linen fabric 
Linen not only absorb dust , but also incoming sunlight . Use soft and delicate linen cloth suitable for babies . Linen materials are too stiff , like jeans material emits adversely affected babies . Soft linen material required in the baby's room , but the linens were rough , stiff , and hard should not be in the baby's room . EMF ( Electric Magnetic Frequency )
 Keep objects that emit electric- magnetic waves from your cots . Objects such as televisions , sound system , computer , DVD, and so emit magnetic waves dangerous to the health of infants who have not been able to adjust from these objects . If forced to be there , put at least as far as 1.5 meters of cots .

Twin boys bedroom

Opportunity to have twins is a special gift given by God to parents . Twins look unique compared to others because of similarities owned by the twins . In general , the twins have a lot in common , both physical and psychological nature . Genetic factors have led to twin similarity in physical terms . Physical similarities including the similarity in terms of height, face shape , body shape until it gets to the color of the skin .

Another similarity that is owned by the twins have the same tendency in the psychological nature . The similarity of the psychological characteristics include similarities in character , temperament , emotional closeness and inner contact . How about design a bedroom for twins ? Twins tend to have the same concept of sleep because parents usually put them in a room . This twin bedroom design ideas calm , warm and comfortable provide extra familiarity for each child . This can allow them to live full harmony . The bed and bed cover used to look like a very soft and gentle . It is a twin bedroom  ideas suitable for winter or winter . With a table , they can learn to share.

They can play together in the room with pleasure . Children tend to have active characteristics that active children bedroom should have a great place to perform various activities . If you have limited space for your twins , you can design a room with a layered model of the twin bedroom.

Quilted sleeping arrangements allow full use of limited space . In addition , utilization in the bed as a closet and under the drawer is the use of function which can be used to maximize the use of space in the room . Thus , more space can be used as a place to do other activities . This room can be themed neutral color choice for many lovers since white walls allow you to change the mood of the room with a certain color pattern by replacing the sheet on the mattress .

Senin, 23 Desember 2013

Simple and antique table lamps

The table lamp is one of the important components in the interior home.Model minimalist table lamp and a nice antique can also decorate your office space. With elegant and unique shape make these decorative lights become more artistic because his motives are lovely.This are some examples that might tamper with the lights may come in your home furniture.

There are several materials that are often used to create a model of a table lamp. Among others of wood material, fabric, sand and others. It is now easy you get. With the price of a very cheap table lamps, you can already have supporting home interior is so nice. Currently, several online stores existing furniture accessories that offer and sell various models of table lamps with various brands and quality. You can choose one according to the model and color that corresponds to the location where your desk lamp.

good luck.

Organize the simple kitchen in a luxurious look

Organize the kitchen is simple but luxurious . Reforming simple kitchen can be beautiful if we know the basic principles of the arrangement of the kitchen . You also do not forget to look for kitchen setup tips from the internet or a book as a reference to explore creativity in designing a beautiful kitchen . The kitchen is convenient not having the kitchen is spacious and has a variety of luxury furnishings .

Just the simple stuff plus attractive room design , guaranteed home kitchen you will feel more comfortable . Reforming simple kitchen can be beautiful if we know the basic principles of the arrangement of the kitchen . You also do not forget to look for kitchen setup tips from the internet or a book as a reference to explore creativity in designing a beautiful kitchen . The kitchen space should always be clean .

 With a clean kitchen will feel more comfortable atmosphere . Thus the health and beauty of the room can be maintained. Use as desired paint color and furniture the wall color so as not to collide . Provide windows with wide openings for air circulation to function properly . Because if it does not have air circulation , it will feel stuffy kitchen when cooking . With bright kitchen can make the air enter freely . Choose kitchen set with color and interesting shapes . 

Customize with your kitchen theme to match and pleasing to the eye . If you are bored with the kitchen in the house , try a little creative . Back porch can be an option for those who want to have outdoor kitchens . Moreover , if the area of ​​the small garden behind the house can make the atmosphere more pleasant . Use also the appropriate size kitchen appliances kitchen . Do not stack items that do not need to be in this room , because it will only ruin the aesthetics of the space and make it difficult when on the move . 

 Congratulations rearranging your kitchen !

Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

Bedroom simple, but luxurious

Designing room interior design ideas with simple but luxurious minimalist interior concept is very enjoyable and challenging , you can perform a variety of ways to decorate a small room to still look beautiful and charming . With a fresh and harmonious shades , narrow room space feels very comfortable .

Without the need to expand the space to create more space . You can get an idea of interior design minimalist room which is so easy and very popular here . With bedroom models that will be the basis to develop ideas on interior space , the arrangement of furniture and others. Determine whether it will become a model , contemporary , modern , minimalist or even a classic retro pop .
For color selection , tend to use a favorite color but must be adapted to the style used . So as to create a beautiful harmony .

 To enrich the texture color or monochromatic color contrast accents can be an alternative . A proper lighting will add comfort in the bedroom . Lighting or natural sunlight or artificial lighting can be designed specifically from early development . After defining the concept and atmosphere , planning to think of finishing materials .

Start by determining the type of flooring. For a warm atmosphere, bedrooms wooden flooring usually wear. However, for tile, ceramic, marble or granite also provides a wide selection of styles and colors.

After that you can design small bedroom style, so pleasant.wear some much needed furniture alone, so the room does not look crowded and full. For example, if you normally use a closet with 3 door, then try to replace it with a 2 door cupboard but has a high ceiling.

Minimalist furniture, simple and elegant

At present, the minimalist furniture is a type of furniture that is in great demand by the people of this minimalist style first hit only in urban areas. For urban communities generally have high mobility, thus requiring the type of furniture that does not require much time to take care of him every day.

But, it does not mean furniture minimalist design only in demand by the urban community, not the least because now the rural communities that have been renovating the house into a minimalist design, and of course they also desperately need furniture minimalist design furniture to fill the house.
Most people might agree if the judge and even furniture minimalist furniture that is identical to the type of simple design.

No one did, because for minimalist furniture,simplicity it is deliberately highlighted, and this is also a characteristic of minimalist furniture itself. But make no mistake, behind the simplicity in design, there are actually other impression that most want to enjoy the impression of an elegant and sturdy or strong. Minimalist furniture does look more elegant and more sturdy than the other furniture designs.

Solid and strong impression to this minimalist furniture can be seen from the thickness of each component used to make it. Most of the components used to create minimalist furniture made with thick size. And of course, the components that will make the final thickness of the furniture is made to be firm and strong. You can observe directly in the field to prove it.
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