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Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Way of structuring the right wardrobe

Begin by grouping types of clothing . Dress for the office , hang out , or casual , party , and home fashions . Position the clothing you wear most often in places that are more accessible .

For example , if the office dress will be more frequently used than a party dress , then put in the position of office fashion more accessible .

Clothing type Shirt ( cotton ) 
How to store : Hanged Cotton can easily folds leave scars . Thus, to avoid hard creases smoothed back , the shirt should be hanged . Arrange shirt from dark to light colors . This is to make it easy mixing and matching with subordinates .

Depths blouse 
How to store : Hanged Material silk , crepe , has a fine fiber , are very susceptible to friction and stains . Thus , should be hung with the hanger upholstered , so as not to snag the wire and termites are sometimes attacked closet .

Pants trousers and skirts 
How to store : Hanged To facilitate the process of solid-match , pants and skirts should be hung just below the shirt . Hang pants or skirt with straps already sewn in waist circumference , hip so as not to change the shape of the skirt or pants hip .

Jacket / Blazer 
How to store : Hanged Hanging your jacket or blazer that are not easily crumpled and broken . At the time of hanging, the buttoned blazer or jacket zipper closed , so that position remains ( not easy to change shape and not fall ) . We recommend to use wooden hangers that have " shoulders " that forms the shoulder width is not " flat " .

How to store : Folded T-shirt material is very easily stretched . If hung , then will leave a mark hanger . Should be folded only . 

How to store : Folded Just like T-shirts , wool is very easily stretched . Should be folded . Wool material is also very susceptible to dirt and termites . So , after you wear , should be washed beforehand so clean before storage. Moreover, woolen materials are stored for long periods ( used in winter only ) . 

How to store : Folded Material jeans is hard, you should just folded . 

How to store : Hanged To avoid crumpled materials , and changes shape , your party dress should be hanged , the rope in it . If your party dress full of sequins , preferably with plastic wrap so that dust does not stick .

How to store : Folded Fold and put underwear in the underwear drawer .

1. Put camphor fragrance closets or in the closet so that the air is not humid.
2. If you have a walk-in closet, preferably windowless, so that fashion is not easy dirty.
3. Clothes hanging chambers should not place too tightly, so the clothes are not mutually "squashed".
4. Checks closet once a month, just in case there termites or small animals get into.

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